One day, Mitsuha has a dream where she is a young man. He spends time with his friends, works part-time at an Italian restaurant, and is interested in architecture and fine arts. Taki is a male high school student who lives in central Tokyo. She laments that she lives in a confined rural town, and yearns for the wonderful lifestyle of living in Tokyo. Mitsuha has an honest personality, but she doesn't like the customs of her family's Shinto shrine, nor does she like her father participating in an election campaign. Her father is the mayor and isn't at home much, and she lives with her elementary school-aged little sister and her grandmother. Mitsuha is a female high school student who lives in a rural town nestled deep in the mountains. The "story of miracles and love" revolves around Mitsuha and Taki.
#Kimi no na wa eng sub 1080p 720p
Subtitle Your Name 2016 720p BluRay DD5.1 x264-DON Subtitle Your Name 2016 1080p BluRay AVC DTS-HD MA 5.1 Subtitle Your Name BD Subtitle : Romance, Comedy, Fantasy, Super Natural Subtitle Your Name (2016) 1080p 10Bit BluRay x265 HEVC Multi Audio Subtitle Your Name (Kimi No Na Wa) 2016 1080p x264 Latino Subtitle Kimi.no.na.wa.aka.5.1.HEVC.REMUX-FraMeSToR Subtitle 君の名は。2016 Your Name_eric paroissien_JAPANESE_SUBS Subtitle Kimi no na wa - Bluray - 1.46.35 Subtitle Kimi no Na wa - Your Name (BD 720p) Subtitle Kimi no na wa (2016) BRRip All 1080p Subtitle Kimi no Na wa (Your Name) - WebDL 720p
#Kimi no na wa eng sub 1080p mp4
Subtitle Your Name (Kimsohyun Dubbing Version) MP4 508MB Subtitle Your name 2016 Brrip MkvCage Improval Subtitle .264-LeetHD Subtitle .264-LeetHD Subtitle .264-SASHiMi Subtitle .264-SASHiMi Subtitle .BDRip.x264-SASHiMi Subtitle Kimi no Na wa Subtitle Kimi no Na wa Subtitle Kimi no Na wa 2016 BluRay TinyMoviez Subtitle Kimi no Na wa 2016 BluRay MkvCage Subtitle Kimi no Na wa 2016 BluRay Subtitle Kimi no Na wa 2016 BluRay (HEVC) Subtitle Kimi no Na wa 2016 All BluRay

Subtitle Your Name 2016 720p BluRay x264-WiKi Subtitle Kimi no Na wa 2016 BluRay 1080p Subtitle Kimi no Na wa 2016 BluRay 720p Subtitle Kimi no Na wa 2016 BluRay HEVC Subtitle Kimi no Na wa 2016 All BluRay

Subtitle Kimi no Na wa BluRay Subtitle Kimi No Na Wa 2016 720p BluRay-HDChina Subtitle Kimi No Na Wa 2016 1080p BluRay-HDChina Subtitle .-RARBG Subtitle .264-COW Subtitle .-VXT Subtitle Kimi.no.na.wa. Subtitle Kimi.no.na.wa.aka.5.1.HEVC.REMUX-FraMeSToR Subtitle Your.Remux Subtitle Kimi no Na wa AKA Your Name 2016 720p BluRay Bengali Subtitel Subtitle Kimi No Na Wa 2016 720p BluRay-HDBengali Subtitle Kimi no Na wa BluRay Subtitle Kimi.No.Na.Wa.5.1-HDC Subtitle Kimi No Na Wa ( Your Name ) 2016 Subtitle Kimi No Na Wa (Your Name) dual audio (BD 10 bit HEVC) Subtitle Kimi No Na Wa (Your Name) dual audio (BD 10 bit HEVC) Subtitle Kimi No Na Wa (Your Name) dual audio (BD 10 bit HEVC) Subtitle Kimi No Na Wa (Your Name) dual audio (BD 10 bit HEVC)

Subtitle your name 2016 hdrip 720p HC eng sub AAC x264